Friday, November 7, 2014

While on vacation in New Mexico we went to see the Earthships near Taos which are homes built off the grid.  In other words through the use of water saving cisterns, photovoltaic solar collectors, and the use of recycled tires and rammed earth these homes, once constructed, no longer require energy from outside sources.  Remarkable in their design they provide humidity to support plant growth within the house.  With minimal rainwater and snow collection the saved water is used four times before it is totally dispersed.  First used for showering and sinks, second for gray water for the plants inside the home, third to flush the toilet and lastly to irrigate any plants on the outside of the home. They appear to be very comfortable and because the earth is used to support the insulation very little heating is needed. While this might not be an alternative for all Seniors, it is a unique form by which Steinfeldt Senior Living Consultants and Development Consulting might coordinate this lifestyle for you.  Please contact us for more information at

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